Nefeli Gioti Foto Korina Kordova

I am a dance researcher, choreographer and dancer based between Stockholm and Athens. I have been working in Athens, Stockholm, Berlin and France in the Performing Arts field. Recently, I have been inhabiting an “on the side” role in collaboration with other choreographers to research symbiotic practices within the field. I have worked as an artistic collaborator with Ivana Muller(FR), Snorre Elvin(DK), Kalia Kefala(DE) and Argyro Chioti(GR)-Onassis Foundation, National Greek Theater and Biennale des Arts de la Scène en Méditerranée, Montpellier among others.  

My artistic activity is emerging and revolving within and through the intersection of dance, choreography, artistic research, performance and speculative and critical fabulation. Through developing my choreographic practice “(e)merging fragments and strata”,  I explore the process of sense-making, the difference between meaning and sense, between facts and fiction. Since 2021, I have been developing the artistic research “Dwelling dance phrases” that problematizes the metaphor of dance being a language and explores the dynamics of this metaphor and its affect on dance and choreography. My work proceeds into thinking through choreographic practices and performative objects, such as performances, publications, discursive practices and video experimentation. 

Additionally, in collaboration with choreographers Stella Kruusamagi and Andrea Diaz, we are developing an artistic research project which explores the activity of “cleaning” and its connotations with cultural, historical, political and engendered perspectives, exploring queer forms of pleasure and relativity. I am part of INSISTER SPACE, an artist-driven organization based in Stockholm.  Since 2023, I am part of the Critical Practice (Made in Yugoslavia) program, which empowers discursive reflections on contemporary performing arts.

What does the SITE residency enable you to do? 
The SITE annual residency enables me with a specific location as a reference for working, meeting colleagues, studio time and exchanging with the people that I will meet and co-exist there. It offers me an opportunity to experience having a more stable workspace for my administration work than my desk at home. Thus, it provides me with an experience towards more sustainable working habits. Moreover, it offers an environment where I can meet new people and connections in the city of Stockholm which I am kind of still learning. A place that might feel like a place to belong to for the next year. 

What are you working on right now?
At the moment, I am revisiting my research “Dwelling dance phrases” that started during my master studies. I am into the process of working with the material that has been gathered through conversations with other artists practitioners. My intention is to start organizing a publication that will include some of this material. Alongside, I want to reactivate my research on debt and promises towards a choreographic work.

I work a lot as an assistant for directors and choreographers which is something I enjoy a lot. Through this work, I am deepening my practice and understanding of my curatorial practice on “being on the side” of other’s artistic processes in addition to earning an income. Additionally, in collaboration with choreographers Stella Kruusamagi and Andrea Diaz, we are developing an artistic research project which explores the activity of “cleaning” and its connotations with cultural, historical, political and engendered perspectives, exploring queer forms of pleasure and relativity.

As a selected fellow artist at the 5th cycle of Critical Practice (Made in Yugoslavia) program, which is part of apap – Feminist Futures, supported by Creative Europe Program and mentored by Ana Vujanović, Marijana Cvetković και Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski,  I am focused on practicing reading and writing on and for the performance art field in different contexts. 

How would you like to further develop during your residency at SITE?
During the residency, I intend to deepen my understanding of methods of working that can be efficient and sustainable. I would like to focus on making longer trajectories, planning future plans and focusing on how to approach my artistic needs through realistic and material conditions. I will continue and develop my skills in applying for funding and writing applications since it is important for making work. Last but not least, I want to learn from each other and share what I have with people in proximity.