Koreografen och skribenten Oda Brekke besökte Oslos nya festival MIND EATER och skrev en rapport därifrån för SITE och bastards projekt bastard nordic – ett nordiskt samarbete och en ny plattform för dans- och performancekritik.
”I assume that most artists who make work can recognize themselves once in a while sitting in the audience with a hurt ego thinking “Fuck, this is what I am working on”. And we can rarely be certain of whether projection, collective consciousness or randomness is at play. Last spring, no more than three performances on seals (yes, the mammal sea creature?!) premiered in Stockholm and I remember well in 2018, when choir singing was spreading, as if no other choreographic form had relevance. One thing that we can, however, be certain of is that the culture we produce can not be separated from the culture we consume, and this is something that the artist-driven festival MIND EATER run by Louis Schou-Hansen and Runa Borch Skolseg makes me acutely aware of.”
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